   Talk on Old Age Homes by CCAC
  A talk on old age homes by Dr. Sheilu Sreenivasan, founder member & Trustee of Dignity Foundation was arranged on March 15, 2013 at 4.30 p.m. at Amy Rustomjee Hall of Women Graduates Union. It was organised by the Consumer & Civic Affair Committee of W.G.U.

Dr. Sreenivasan, in her informative and interesting talk interspersed with anecdotes, put forward sensitively the dilemma faced by old people whether to ultimately go to an old people’s home or not. She rightly mentioned that these homes should be better described as community living in retirement homes as they provide interaction with other members, intellectual stimulation, and health, banking facilities, food and entertainment.

Society tends to cater to the young and often forget the requirements of the old. With joint families which catered to the needs of all ages, fast disappearing, old age homes are being established to look after the needs of the old. They cater to different categories of people – the destitute as well as the middle class.

Change in mindset and a positive attitude to life bring about successful ageing.